
CJ Evans.
A proven record of helping
students & teachers.

Focuses on student achievement. CJ is dedicated to strengthening and innovating classrooms so that all students can achieve literacy and math competency to be set up for college & career readiness and future success.

Focuses on what is best for students. CJ voted to reopen our schools and get kids back in school as soon as possible following COVID.

Focuses on families. CJ listens to the concerns of families to provide the best outcomes for our students and equips parents to be more engaged in their student’s education. She also worked to develop pyramid cohesiveness among FWISD’s 14 comprehensive high schools.

Focuses on the bottom line. In August 2020, CJ voted against the call for the Tax Rate Election, and in August 2021 insisted on a fiscally responsible bond.

CJ’s Top Three Goals for FWISD

Academic Excellence. A focus on continued academic excellence through outcome based policy that benchmarks early literacy, middle school math, and college & career readiness.

Fiscal Stewardship.  We must focus on providing excellence in education while making sure that we are wisely managing local property tax dollars.  

Good Governance. I want the FWISD board to effectively govern as one body, representing the vision and values of our community and working together to promote policy that pushes the district to excellence in every classroom.

More about CJ

Wife & mother committed to academic excellence.

As a mother, businesswoman and longtime volunteer for the FWISD, CJ Evans brings a unique and refreshing perspective to the Board of Trustees. She understands the importance of instilling an atmosphere of learning and excellence. Her business acumen provides another level of analysis for the district’s budget. And, her appreciation for the hard work of our teachers advances her advocacy for the educators who give so much to our children.

A no-nonsense advocate for taxpayers.

Assuring our teachers have all the tools necessary to best educate their students starts with making sure our limited tax dollars are spent wisely and efficiently. CJ has worked closely with the FWISD Superintendent and other FWISD Board Members to examine the district budget in order to limit wasteful spending and free up resources that can be used to increase pay for our best educators, expand innovative programs and improve the safety and security of our schools.

A voice for teachers & parents.

CJ Evans knows that improving the quality of education in FWISD doesn't just happen in the administration building. It takes a strong and forceful approach with our state legislators who continue to cut the state’s portion of public school funding while forcing local taxpayers to pick up the difference. CJ will continue to work closely with our State Senators and Representatives to develop a more equitable school funding plan, fight to reduce burdensome and stressful standardized testing, and make continued changes to the grading system used to gauge the success of the district’s overall performance developed by state officials.

See CJ’s interview with Councilman Michael Crain where she explains her goals for Fort Worth ISD, her accomplishments as a school board member, and the new FWISD districts